Thursday, September 29, 2011

Blog Content Made Easy

So, you have setup a nice Blog with a killer color scheme and perfect layout. Heck you’re even giving great content and are giving perfect headlines to your posts. You still won’t be noticed till people can find your content easily while searching the internet.
You are into blogging, you are writing content, you know how to write then you must also know that there are millions of blogs around and thousands created every other day. Why would someone read you and how will someone find you. That is even a bigger question. If you don’t know the answer, you will never have people find you.
It does sound difficult if you think about it this way, but there is a brighter side. So many people start blogging and get noticed quickly and gain new heights, here are a few things which can help you get noticed.
The main focus is content. How? Well, let’s say you write on a current happening. The search engine won’t search for your color scheme or your layout, not matter how much time you have spent on it. It will search your content only. People will be impressed by the layout or color scheme, but will stick there only for content as your content is what will land them there on your Blog. Your trick would be to write smartly and use keywords. Use the primary keyword first and then you can use other phrases through out the page. Remember, three keyword phrases per page.
Search engines have optimal page length from 300 to 800 words. Try to stay within this limit. This will allow you repeated mention of keywords. The most used search engine has a title length of 60 characters; you should also keep the title 60 characters long.
Another smart trick would be hyper links to other pages on your site. It will help boost search engine rankings.
Your content should come into focus, if you are generating good seo content; you should put it forward smartly and get noticed quickly.
if you want to start a blog than u blog is the best option for you.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hardcore Blog Writing

Some people Blog about tales of their love life and tales about what they did in college canteen today. But this is not what hardcore blogging is about. Hardcore blogging is not about what you had for lunch and what are you wearing to work tomorrow. This is not what will get you or your Blog any attention. Hardcore blogging is what will get your Blog noticed and will take it to further heights.
To start your Blog you need to have a domain for it. These days there are so many websites available offering free Blog hosting like Ublog where you can register a free Blog for your self to get you started quickly. Now after you have registered a Blog name, the difference starts here while you select the layout and colors for your Blog.
This step will start creating a difference for your Blog from the very starting and will help you to get noticed very quickly. The lay out is very important for every Blog and will be of vital importance in getting attention. The second thing that you would want to do to your Blog while you’re setting it up is choosing a color scheme. You might want to avoid bright colors and sparkly color schemes. This is necessary for your Blog to be taken seriously. Your Blog colors should match your content. Bright and cheesy colors for your Blog will make it look fun and a Blog of a teenage person but this will in no way be a hardcore Blog.
The third and probably the most important thing is your content. After you have created your Blog and setup your Blog the main difference now you can make is picking up topics and give out your comments and information for your visitors. Creating something that is different would mean that readers would want more and will come back for more.
if you want to start a blog than u blog is the best option for you.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

10 Ways to Improve Your Blog Writing Skills

Making a blog these days has become extremely common and popular in all parts of the world without any measure of speculation. About a decade ago, blogging was an alien thing for majority of us however today with developments and advancements in all fields of life, internet has also flourished a great deal and blogging is definitely one aspect.
One thing that is common irrespective of all the various kinds and types of blogs is the fact that its success largely depends on the quality of content. For that matter, usually the blog owners avail the services of specialist writers who can provide the relevant and desired information to their target audience in a way that manages to attract a large number of people as a whole.
Writing is definitely not everyone’s cup of tea therefore given below are ten on how a writer can improve his/her blog writing skills:
1. Having a personal interest and liking in doing whatever you do is what adds beauty to tour work and plays a major role in the overall success of your project or work. Therefore, a writer needs to have that interest and likeness in writing therefore he/she won’t be able to produce unique and catchy stuff for the target audience. If you have that likeness or interest, it’s more than enough otherwise try loving your work and it will definitely improve your writing.
2. Reading is highly significant for a writer therefore develop a habit of reading newspapers and other relevant magazines to improve your writing.
3. One cannot write unless you do not know how to do research and gather information on any particular topic therefore you need to either have or develop that research conducting skills in you.
4. Having a strong grip on language is also highly essential for a writer therefore you should do some language course if you think your grip isn’t good enough.
5. You can also improve your blog writing skills by visiting other relevant blogs and checking out whets written over there and then eventually producing a better and more informative article out of all the read information from various different blogs.
6. Another way to improve your blog writing skills is to practice more and more and thus write more and more. Since practice makes a man perfect therefore it equally applies on all aspects and disciplines of life.
7. Your blog writing skill will also improve once you will learn the art of gathering information and putting it together in a complied and structural manner. So for that you need to learn the art of article writing and should get familiar with the basic three parts of any story which are intro, body and conclusion.
8. While writing, consider yourself an expert who is giving direction to others as it will give you confidence and will eventually increase your writing skills for sure.
9. In order to writer effectively, you need to have that patience level to bear all the criticism as it will improve your writing if you will take it positively.
10. Working on your vocabulary and grammar will also have a direct effect on your blog writing skills without any question.
if you want to start a blog than u blog is the best option for you.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Writing Tips - How to Improve Your Writing Quickly

Writing is not for everyone but if you can write you can make a wonderful future for yourself and a very nice career as well. Writing improves with time and the more you write the more polished your writing gets. Weather your starting your Blog, or you created one already… or you have a writing job online you will need sometime to improve your writing. But there always are tips to help you improve quicker and make your self better with a little effort. Here are a few tips that are bound to improve your writing quickly:
• As it is said when writing news, the news goes first. Same is the case for your Blog or article. Start with the main lead or your idea of the article and then do the rest. Do not keep your readers waiting and guessing about what where is the main theme or when will the main idea land in. Start with it.
• Short sentences are used when you want to emphasize and longer sentences are used to explain something in detail. Follow this rule
• Start with a keyword or end with a key word. Do not burry your keywords in heavy padding. They lose their purpose then and your main idea may not reach the reader
• Use a mixture of sentences. Simple, Compound and Complex sentences all should be used to add beauty to your writing
• Be specific to have interest of your reader. Use specific and concrete terms
• Read your Blog or article aloud after you are done writing it. This will serve two purposes. For starters, you will be automatically revising your writing and secondly, you may well realize where you need punctuation and where are you missing a stress word
• And while you are revising, you can edit extra and unnecessary lines that are cluttering the whole article or Blog and this would make it simple, slim and more readable.
These are few of the many tips which can help you improve your writing very quickly and easily. Follow them and improve within days.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Blog Writing Tips: Keeping Content Fresh

Blog writing isn’t an easy job as it looks or sounds to most of the people who don’t know a bit about it however are good in criticizing and under estimating others. Getting a blog is just a first step and once you have developed a blog of your own then the next step is take effective measures towards fulfilling your objective as well as increasing the traffic on your particular blog.
Content is one such aspect of your blog which has the power to ether uplift or damage your image to a great extent without any measure of speculations. Therefore, it needs to be handled with utmost care and attention as the outcome can go either way.
Readers like such blogs and like to visit them over and over again where they find something new and interesting every time. On the other hand, such blogs which fail to give any unique and different angle of a subject matter, story or issue are not liked by majority without any doubt. Therefore, a blog writer needs to follow the three main tips given below in order to provide different and new content to his target audiences:
a. Once, a blog writer has selected the topic that he/she wants to write on. The next important thing is to conduct a thorough research to know what others have already written on the given topic and what areas and points are still untouched. Keeping in mind what people want to read and what problems or issues they are facing due to a specific matter and hi9ghlighting it in your blog will definitely make your content new and unique from the rest.
b. Angle of any story is one significant thing that helps a great deal in keeping the content a fresh look. You cannot get a unique story or issue on daily basis for your blog however you surely can write it in an angle that will give a new and different look to your content.
c. Another way to produce unique content for your blog is to search for new ideas. For that matter, you need to have that probing quality and should always be looking to dig out facts. Only then you will be able to get new and different ideas more frequently. Moreover, you need to love your blog writing job in order to do quality work.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

What is IT Blogging?

What is blogging is one question that can arise in one’s mind anytime even when you yourself have written a few. What is a blog? Presenting your opinion on a website? So, writing a blog can be termed as blogging. Technically correct but is it technical only?
There are more aspects of blogging then we normally notice. May it be a political blog or an IT blog? It is not only writing. What are the properties of blogging? Let’s try to discuss and find out
• So you have written for a website, is it a blog? A blog has some properties… for starters a blog can have a mix of text video and images. A blog would have its own unique web link or address. In fact every blog that you write would have one. And then the final and most important one is that blogs invite and allow visitor comments and discussions on the opinions given by the writer
• Another important thing about a blog is that it is not just giving out your opinions. It is about authentic information. By blogging you are shifting visitor opinion and even creating opinions if they already do not have opinions. So, information being produced in a blog surely should be authentic.
• An opinion in a news paper is for the people to discuss. The writer won’t know what people think about his write up. But it not the case in a blog. The blog is like an online discussion forum. You will get to know the feedback in the comments section and you will notice discussion and arguments going on in the comments, so a blog can be more of a discussion
• Earlier blogs were considered to be online book logs or diaries. But the most popular ones have been which are written from a reader point of view. To satisfy the reader more than to satisfy yourself.
You have to keep in mind that your blog is not just a write up. It is a multimedia tool, your TV channels can show images and video but they do not have a shelf life. Newspapers can show images and text and have a shelf life but they cannot show video. Blogs are the only medium having text, images, videos and a much longer shelf life compared to newspapers even. If you search right now, you will find blogs written in 2000 and 2001. Such is the power of blogs and the power of blogging.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Write Good Articles to Get Traffic to Your Site

Honestly speaking, if we talk about the ground realities there is certainly no doubt about the fact that it’s a daunting and quite difficult task to improve traffic on your blog or any particular website in general.
There is a great majority of people out there who are eager and want to know what’s the secret behind increasing traffic on a particular blog. If you are also one of those many out there who is thinking of starting a blog, then always bear one thing in mind that the content and information given on your blog needs to be attractive and interesting enough if you want to increase traffic on your blog.
For your guidance and help, given below are few tips on how you can write effective and thought provoking articles that can play a big part in increasing the traffic on your blog:
a. Once you have identified the topic of your article along with your target audience, then the next basic step to do is to do a thorough research work in order to determine what your desired set of audiences want to know on the given subject or topic. What questions they have in their mind, what problems they are facing regarding that particular subject or issue. Highlight those areas that are untouched in the past and they will surely come over and over again to read your blog and will like it for sure.
b. Selection of proper key words is also a highly essential element while writing an article. Once you have created a blog and you want to increase traffic on it, then the key towards your success is to know what key words your target audience use most often, utilize them in your article and it will prove highly beneficial for sure.
c. The title of your article also needs to be attractive enough in order to gain the attention of your audiences. Therefore, you should be extremely careful in selecting the write words in your title that will not only sound interesting but also manages well to catch your readers’ attention towards your blog.
d. Always bear one thing in mind that the overall structure of your article needs to be well composed and balanced. Information should never be given in a haphazard manner. Give a proper intro, body as well as conclusion to make it look presentable and pleasing to the reader’s eye.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How to write Blog for a global audience

Blogging is becoming popular every day. More and more people are reading blogs and many are starting their own blogs. It is very simple now to create a Blog as websites such as Ublog offer ready made blogs for bloggers who wish to write their opinions.
Most of the people are now using internet as a social meeting place and stay in touch type thing for their personal usage. Internet has done what mobile phones couldn’t have done and that is to stay in touch with your friends for almost free or very little charges. And another thing internet has done is turned this world of ours into a tiny place where news travels faster than light and your email reaches faster than when you dial a number of a friend.
This speed has also given an extra advantage to bloggers. Because, they are no longer blogging for an audience in their city. Earlier, a columnist for a local daily would only be known in his or her respective city, but not the case with blogs. They are read all around the world.
So, if you really want to blog for global audience; following are a few steps that you should keep in mind:
• Simple English
Try and use simple English. People do understand English but not everyone would have the same level of understanding as a person in UK or USA. Try and use simple sentences and simple words so people can understand. This would maintain their level of interest
• Tough Competition
Do remember, there are other websites willing to grow and grab visitors. Offer services like translations etc... So people who cannot understand English very well can translate the content to their own native language. You cannot offer all the languages but offer the most popular ones.
• Culture
You need to be culturally aware. Make sure your blog does not offend people reading in the east, or do not make it look like if you are making fun of someone’s culture. Try and remain neutral and make sure you are aware of the cultural norms etc…
And finally, please do remember, your weekend may not be the weekend in Middle East. So, a much safer bet would be to update or release on Monday.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Blog Writing Jobs and Article Writing Jobs

Blogs are getting so much attention online and hundreds of thousands of people spend their time reading blogs and seeking opinions of experts on certain products via their blogs. And with the rising popularity of blogs, new jobs for freelance article and blog writers are cropping up. Some companies are even hiring themselves full time bloggers who writer about their products, beta test the products and provide insights to the product sometimes even before the product has been launched.
Now, if you search on the internet, you can find a lot of jobs for blog writing or article writing and the requirements can be pretty easy at times. But you need to realize what you are getting into before you take up a blog writing job or an article writing job. For people with a taste for writing, articles and blog writing is a piece of cake as they are natural with it. But that does not mean that a person who is thinking about getting a job as a blogger cannot write. It will just take you a much longer time to write something good in comparison to someone with a taste for writing and with much enhanced writing skills.
Do remember, not every writer wanted to be writer from childhood. Some people stepped in because they only had this choice and it was forced down to them, and they are still doing well, have enhanced their writing skills and creativity with time.
So, to take up a job as a blogger you need to realize a few things:
• You must realize that you need good research on the topic before you start writing it and only good research will enable you to provide good facts on the mentioned subject
• Before you take blogging as a full time job, another thing you can do is to start your own blog to get in the flow. U Blog provides you with the opportunity to create your very own free blog.
• It will be sometime before you get noticed via your blog. Getting noticed with a blog is not very easy always and takes some time.
• Always try to deliver your best and make sure you meet your deadlines.
Following the few tips, you can start your way to become a blogger.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

how to write an article in under 8 minutes

Writing an article is an excellent way if you want to increase traffic on your particular website or blog. However, it can be a daunting task for many out there as writing a well structured and informative article isn’t an easy job. It requires special skills and particular requirements without any measure of speculations. Producing an effective piece of writing isn’t everyone’s piece of cake for sure.
Initially, when you are new into this writing business once you are done with the job of making a blog then it takes quite a lot of time to even write a single article as everything requires time and with practice and training becomes easy. You become faster, more accurate, effective as well as interesting as far as your writing is concerned on your blog with a considerable passage of time. However, given below are some useful tips that can surely help even the beginners to write an article on your blog in just under 8 minutes or so:
a. According to a research, each task will consume the time you want it to give. For instance, if your only goal till Monday afternoon is to write a single article then you will surely not be able to do it before that since you have already made up your mind accordingly. Thus, set short term goals and do not relax yourself by wasting any time.
b. The trick to write an article under 8 minutes or so also requires you to train yourself to run faster with the time. Use your cell phone and set the timer as an initial practice for say 15 min and make use of your mind and all energies to complete the article within the set time. Once, you will reach that goal, you will definitely be able to write it next time within 8 minutes.
c. Another highly important point that is often ignored by most of us is that we do not write on times when ideas are coming fluently in our mind if we are busy in something else. However, the fact of the matter is that it takes much lesser time to write when your mind is full of new and fresh ideas whereas it consumes a large amount of time on the other hand when your mind is blank and you sit to write without even being sure of where to start and how to end.
Following the above mentioned tips will surely help you in writing an effective piece of writing in just about 8 minutes for sure.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Beginners Guide to Blogging

These days, every other person talks about a blog that he or she read. Every second website you open on the internet is hosting blogs as well. Giants like apple, nokia etc have started their own blogs and are offering people to write blogs on their websites as well. Newspapers have started a section of blogs on their websites and are offering people to write blogs for the website. What is this hype about? What is a blog and how can you become a blogger is what this is all about.
Firstly, a journal made available online is called a “blog” and the person who updates the journal is a “blogger” and this activity is called “blogging”. And a blog can host text, images and videos in it so it makes a much attractive and colorful medium to convey ideas through. Now, how can you start a blog and create a blog.
With developments in software and internet blogging is very easy. If you are not a technical person and you think that blogging would mean for you to know the HTML protocol and to develop your own website, then forget it. You are thinking all too wrong.
There are many websites available on the internet, let’s take U Blog for example. If you think you have unique writing skills and ideas that you can present in the form of a blog and people would be interested in reading what you write then visit U Blog, and the rest is a step by step guide.
The website will guide you as you signup letting you customize the look and feel of your blog and will also let you know how can you update it. Once you signup and customize the look of your blog you are ready to go. Yes, as simple as it sounds here. You do not need any technical or programming knowledge to make a blog. U blog will do everything for you. All you need to do is visit, signup and there you are. After the brief signup, your blog will be online as soon as you post your first entry. Then it is up to you to run it.
Blogging is easy and fun both and can be termed as

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Blogging for express yourself

In the current age of technological developments and advancements, blogging has become extremely popular and famous not only in the United Kingdom but in fact all around the world.
How to blog was a question which people used to ask long time back during the start of the 21st century. These days’ people use blog for a variety of reasons such as sharing news stories, opinions, discussions, reviews and so on.
One of the most important and significant use of blog is to let the entire world know what you exactly feel about some issue or topic. Thus, we won’t be wrong in saying that getting a blog these days serves a wonderful function of self expression without offending anyone’s opinion or views regarding any issue.
As far as the great variety of these blogs is concerned, there is no limit as people are using it in what so ever way they want to such as IT blog, social blog, business blog, media blog and so on. The kind you want for your blog will entirely depend on your particular objective and purpose and what you actually want to achieve via blogging.
People who want to promote their business can use it in a way in order to update information regarding their particular services. In this way, they can not only let the world know about their business and services and promote it worldwide but in fact it can also help in increasing your clientele for sure.
For those, who want to use blogging for supporting a particular social cause can equally use it in the similar manner and fulfill their objective without any measure of speculation.
There is certainly no doubt about the fact that you can get a blog and use it in what so ever way you want to. It solely and wholly depends on your particular aim and objective.
However, one basic and most important usage of blogs that stand out in which so ever way you use it is its functionality to express yourself and feel free to interact with the outside world and share your opinion and views.

Monday, September 5, 2011

What is blogging?

A blog can be a website or part of a website where people write and express their opinions and views about a particular issue, product or topic. A blog can focus on any specific topic for example, an IT blog can focus on the advancements in IT sector, a blog about websites can discuss web designs and new features offered in web 2.0 etc.
It was after the year 2002 that blogging and blogs were noticed and they it started to go min stream. A typical blog would consist of text, images and links to other websites or video clips to support what has written in the blog. A blog is similar to opinions and views expressed by analysts in news paper’s editorial pages with one major difference being the topics; the topics discussed on blogs are of a much more diverse nature with issues ranging from current affairs to how to fix your cooking range…
Blog is an abbreviation of the term “weblog” which refers to websites that maintain a stream of information. Blogs can feature video links and images as well but the main part of a blog always is the content. Blogs run on the basis of their content and it is the content that would bring readers and visitors on the website. These days’ blogs are used by bloggers to generate income. For people wondering why, it is very simple… people come to read your blogs, which generates traffic on your website, your hits increase, you can add Google sense bots to your website which will monitor the activities and display ads on your website which will pay you in return. So, you will start earning revenue as soon as you have a good number of hits.
Many multinational companies are also hosting their own blogs now days as these blogs provide them with consumer feedback. This valuable feedback is then used to improve products. Companies also pay bloggers to review and write about their products which in return gets those favorable views and reviews and creates market hype about their products.

A Powerful Journaling Tool - The Blog

Earlier people used to write Journals to record important events and daily happens in their lives. Ships and trains had log sheets which recorded the daily events and happens in routine work...
Now days with broadband internet available with users and blogs gaining popularity and getting main stream, bloggers are starting new blogs and running their own blogs. Blogs are getting main stream by the day and more and more people are interested in reading blogs and even more in writing blogs.
Big multinational companies and organizations are also opting for blogs where they are blogging about their products and their qualities and using them as a marketing tool. They open discussions along the blogs where people post their views and give these companies direct consumer feedback. This helps the companies who were earlier using more expensive marketing tools to get marketing feedback.
Aside from big companies, bloggers are also using their blogs to generate traffic on their blogs and then using Google sense generate income. Another way to generate income via blogs is when bloggers review products for the companies and gets paid in return. The ethical part of that remains debatable.
Blogs are of all types’ kinds and sizes these days. IT blogs, food blogs, political blogs etc… Earlier you used to read opinions in news papers where people shared their analysis and experience to build up public awareness and opinions and moods. But now, you have so many blogs where bloggers share their opinions and views on so many diverse issues and topics. You are no longer bound to read about the topic that the paper has that day… you can now go online and read about the topic of your choice.
And the best part about blogging is that you can also start a blog. It is easy as 1 2 3… There are websites available like UBlog where you can logon and get your Blog up and running with in no time. All tools are available. And you can start with writing a Journal which talks about your life and interesting events that you might want to log. This would be a much easier start and if written interestingly you can actually generate traffic quickly and later expand your topics to get more and more readers which will turn out to be more revenue in the end.


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