Monday, September 5, 2011

A Powerful Journaling Tool - The Blog

Earlier people used to write Journals to record important events and daily happens in their lives. Ships and trains had log sheets which recorded the daily events and happens in routine work...
Now days with broadband internet available with users and blogs gaining popularity and getting main stream, bloggers are starting new blogs and running their own blogs. Blogs are getting main stream by the day and more and more people are interested in reading blogs and even more in writing blogs.
Big multinational companies and organizations are also opting for blogs where they are blogging about their products and their qualities and using them as a marketing tool. They open discussions along the blogs where people post their views and give these companies direct consumer feedback. This helps the companies who were earlier using more expensive marketing tools to get marketing feedback.
Aside from big companies, bloggers are also using their blogs to generate traffic on their blogs and then using Google sense generate income. Another way to generate income via blogs is when bloggers review products for the companies and gets paid in return. The ethical part of that remains debatable.
Blogs are of all types’ kinds and sizes these days. IT blogs, food blogs, political blogs etc… Earlier you used to read opinions in news papers where people shared their analysis and experience to build up public awareness and opinions and moods. But now, you have so many blogs where bloggers share their opinions and views on so many diverse issues and topics. You are no longer bound to read about the topic that the paper has that day… you can now go online and read about the topic of your choice.
And the best part about blogging is that you can also start a blog. It is easy as 1 2 3… There are websites available like UBlog where you can logon and get your Blog up and running with in no time. All tools are available. And you can start with writing a Journal which talks about your life and interesting events that you might want to log. This would be a much easier start and if written interestingly you can actually generate traffic quickly and later expand your topics to get more and more readers which will turn out to be more revenue in the end.

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