Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Role of Technology in Future Design

Mankind has not changed biologically but the human society has experienced continuous developments through the harnessing of information and scientific knowledge in the form of various technologies which have affected our value systems, power structures, everyday routines and environment. Technology is completely embedded in today’s culture as it has found its way in every aspect of life. There has been substantial facts around the world that technology has become one of the most essential and imperative components for the success of every individual. It changes the life of Children and adolescents so rapidly, as they are prime users and beneficiaries of it. In recent days youth spend half of their leisure time in front of screens and it became an Integral part of their lives. In order to keep pace with life outside the classroom, educators try to integrate the wonderful learning opportunities the Internet, iPods, cell phones, and even social networking sites and video games with their real life situations.

In many countries technology served as a tool which improves the living standard of people. It can be used for good as an upgraded technology by saving time and money and making life easier as a result of not having to do all the hard labour. Many people perceive technological advancement as a solution of their problems and they cannot imagine themselves without these hi-tech advances such as cars, microwaves, cell phones, computers, and televisions. New technology has always advanced, enhanced and supported human values and living conditions. It has had profound effects upon cities, travel, entertainment, nature, the environment which were unimaginable before the modern scientific innovations. The computer revolution has further advanced the human conditions and has brought the man-kind far away from the era of Stone Age.

Because of the advancement in the technological field the world is changing so rapidly and things are not the same as they were ten year ago. In the last decades the personal computer and internet has become the integral part of everyday life. People have come to depend on it in many aspects and they cannot even imagine how their lives would be without it. The Internet has made the world a Global village because now it is easier to talk to people from one end of the earth to the other. It gradually replaced the books, newspaper and encyclopaedias and doing the job of information highway. The widespread usage of the internet has made it an inexpensive yet very useful resource for marketing objectives.

Technology is an important part of our life and writing articles about technology is even harder. There are many people out there who want to write but have no platform to do so. In order to a get a blog most of them resort to paid services. As a matter of fact there are many online services where you can get a free blog and start posting your articles there and the best part is that you can make money also.

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